So here's the painting of a sloth and baby (her choice!) snuggling, in an old frame I hot-glued branches to. If I'd had more time/in a perfect world/blah blah blah I would have gotten a nice chunky wooden frame, and cut a nice mat for it too. You know what? Sophie adores it just the way it is, glue drips and all. And we even figured out that the tiny model-magic sloth tree ornament she made fits perfectly on that bottom branch. So I should just stop over thinking this stuff and let it be.

Sophie's extremely thorough knowledge of sloths came in handy when it came down to details - I knew why the fur grew that way (to help keep them dry) and that adding green accents to the mama sloths was perfectly okay, as sometimes those slow-moving cuties actually collect algae to help camouflage them in the rainforest's upper canopy.
And for some reason now, I think painting a wookiee would be a piece of cake. I am convinced sloths and wookiees are related in some galaxy somewhere. Do you see the resemblance too?