Monday, November 18, 2002

More POSSIBILITIES.... This weekend, I not only found the possibility that I could do fantastic things, a little bit at a time, but I also found the possibility to say "no" was at my fingertips too. That's where I start getting excited about possibility: I can take the chance. Or I can leave it. Or I can twist it so I'm seeing it from another angle to make it into something I can handle on my own terms. Things that seemed overwhelming to me now seem attainable. Coming this week is the possibility that I am actually going to sell my cards online. I thought I couldn't, until I looked at it in a different way. Now instead of being a monumental thing of towering perfection that I had to do a certain way, it can be something simple I do with great love. And if it doesn't work, I can always try it again a different way — the how of it doesn't upset me or stress me. In fact, the whole thing has me pretty darn excited. Possibilities, here I come.

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