Friday, January 31, 2003

Calling all pacifists... "The latest edition of Maxim magazine, in an alleged "humor" article headlined "Maxim’s Kick-Ass Workout," depicts a strapping man in a "Muscle" T-shirt beating up an image of Mahatma Gandhi. The three-page article includes 21 different scenes of the man hitting, kicking, choking and throwing Gandhi, who is named in the text, when the reader is urged to "ask Gandhi if he can see a change in your physique." (article and details at IndiaCause and more at One of my favorite Gandhi quotes is, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." I wonder what change Maxim magazine thinks they're having on the world. Go write them a letter and let them know this is unacceptable. Follow up as of 2/3: Maxim magazine gives a formal apology. 'Bout time.

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