Friday, June 07, 2002

The recitals are done! DONE, I tell you! I did the woo-hoo-recitals-are-done-dance last night, which looked something like this {click on "Who's Your Daddy" and you've got it}. Tonight we're partying with the other teachers and their spouses. I'm a little down that it's the same night that Beatlemania is coming to town, and I really wanted to go. The only time I've ever seen them was in college, when Heidi and I sat right in front and danced to EVERY song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," "Paperback Writer"; you name it, we danced to it. We impressed the guy playing John so much that he jumped down off the stage to dance with us to "Lady Madonna", all dressed in his Sergeant Pepper uniform.

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