Saturday, February 15, 2003

We got back from the hospital last night -- the procedure worked fine and the baby is now head-down! The baby is healthy, has a good strong heartbeat, and we were sent home. However.... I have been having mild contractions, and there was a while there where they thought I would stay at the hospital, but I'm not any further dilated and I can't really feel the contractions, so they sent us home. As soon as the contractions get painful and last for an hour, we call the doctor and go to the hospital; they do another ultrasound to make sure the baby stayed head down and then we take it from there. According to the doctors and nurse, they think real labor could start within 48 hours, so we could be getting verrrrrrrrrry close.... So -- please keep praying, and thank you for all the prayers you've sent so far, for this weekend and all throughout this pregnancy. We know they're working!

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