Monday, April 25, 2005

Illustration Friday: Daring Sometimes daring to believe, when it goes in the face of everything the world tells you, is breathtakingly courageous. This line is (among other things) from a beautiful song by Fr. Carey Landry. After 9/11, all I could think of was this song, and when I finally heard it, sung by a group of children in a church we were visiting, I completely lost it (as I knew I would.) To the best of my recollection, the lyrics are: I believe in the sun even when it isn't shining I believe in love even when there's no one there And I believe in God I believe in God Even when He is silent I believe in miracles I believe in light I believe there will always be a way I believe that nothing is impossible I believe that nothing is impossible That all things are possible with God I believe in the sun even when it isn't shining I believe in love even when there's no one there And I believe in God I believe in God Even when He is silent Even when He is silent

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