The wonderful husband has fixed the computer! Scanner's hooked up (see?), email's on the way ... testing for prints not far behind.
I've been spending my creative time at night drawing anything that comes to mind, and then painting whenever and wherever I can. These new paintings aren't supposed to be perfect, far from it. Anything that strikes my fancy gets drawn. I'm not obsessing over details, slavishly researching images (which I couldn't do once my studio's computer was down anyway), or waiting for the perfect moment. My only rules are that I try to draw or paint something every night, and that if something inspires me, no matter how small a detail, I have to give into it and let myself paint it somehow.
This mostly happens with the kids in the afternoon; I can either put down a layer of coffee and let it dry in time to paint details at night, or the coffee wash has already dried and I can have an all-out painting session with the kiddos. (When you let go of perfectionism, you can work on paintings with three preschoolers around you, on your dining room table.)
The absolute best thing is the watercolours I found for the kids that actually have GLITTER in them. Of course, we have been doing lots more painting lately so I can crack into their supply of glittery watercolours. The scan doesn't even begin to do it shimmery justice.
A detail - you can see the glitter in the headband, and the gloves and some of the feathers are sparkly as well.

Lots more to come. ♥
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