Tuesday, January 08, 2008

the week of magical thinking, continued.

I made a conscious decision recently to do another week of magical thinking: to spend a week making the most magical, alive, succulent choices possible.

Here are stories about two things that happened just this week.

The Loveseat.
I have to start off this story by telling that ever since we found the black leather recliner on junk day this summer (which had not a scratch on it and was perfectly fine) and took it home, Paul has been looking for a matching loveseat. Not a couch, because it would be too large for the space he has in his studio. So we looked at sales circulars, checked the internet. Paul even had tried this past week to get one listed on Craigslist, but we didn't get it. Friday morning, he tells me also that the office chair in the other studio is broken and he'll have to go order a replacement from Staples.

Normally, as soon as I'm done work on Friday I go run a ton of errands so I don't have to do them on the weekend, but this week was a little off. So I went out Saturday morning instead, and on my way home from food shopping, I see, sitting by the end of someone's driveway: a black leather loveseat, and an office chair. Needless to say I rushed home, we unloaded fast, and Paul ran out with all his bungee cords to see if we could fit them on the van, and we did! $400+ saved, and got Paul's office all spiffed up for the new semester. :)

The Shirt.
I've been saying for a while that my wardrobe has become really plain; lots of solid colors, Mom-shirts, that kind of thing. Not really me. So I've been on the hunt for more colorful clothing.

Last Wednesday night, my parents came over, and my Mom pulls out this gorgeous watermelon-colored, silver-and-gold-embroidered Indian top. She said that a co-worker had brought it back from India for her but it didn't fit and did I want it. Of course I did! And I'm wearing it today, when the temperatures for January are going to be in the upper 60s.

And of course the shirt fits! Never doubted it for a second. Listen, God does not listen to your wishes, place a beautiful shirt in your hands, get you some unseasonable weather, only to have the shirt be too small! That's not how God works. (Not mine, anyhow.)

I firmly believe that magical things happen when you are open to them. What's happened to you lately that's magical?

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